You will find many examples to learn how AJAX [Asynchronous Java Script And XML] works, but this one is different. Its one of the best way of using AJAX in web applications. The difference - many of the examples you find uses Java Script to parse the AJAX response, this example avoids that parsing Java Script and uses JSP to generate the HTML and uses simple Java Script just to make the asynchronous call and show the response. It shows simple way of using JSP and AJAX with as much less Java Script as possible. This article wont go into details of what AJAX is and how to make AJAX calls, it explains one good way among many to use AJAX. Lets get on with it then! The flow of this example is like this – A simple JSP page where user performs an action [button click in this example] to get list of employees, on this action we’ll make an Asynchronous call to a Servlet which will prepare the dummy employee data and sends that data to a JSP page. This JSP generates the HTML displaying t...
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