I’ve seen many developers who are at the early stages of their career have problems with this topic and seen many posts in forums asking how to do it – File Uploading using Servlets, JSP!; this article will provide an example using Commons File Upload API. I tried to make the example as simple as possible, hope it helps those early birds. Example uses JSP to provide the pages with form where user can select the file to upload with other form fields, Commons File Upload API to process submitted form and read form fields separately, and Servlets as middle layer between JSP and Commons File Upload API, example also has ANT build script to generate the distributables. All the code can be downloaded, links to these resources are provided at the end of this post, lets get on with the example then. The flow in this example is as depicted in the following picture. As you can see, user selects the file to upload and provides normal form data as well, using "index.jsp" and submi...
A techie who love to read, code and share ...