Tomcat allows us to host multiple domains in one instance, using multiple ' Host ' tags. In this article I will explain how to do it on Tomcat. This is very simple configuration using ' Host ' tags in your server.xml . A novice can also understand this configuration very easily. Before going into the details of the configuration first lets have a look at the ' Host ' tag, ' Context ' tag and ' Alias ' tags first. <Host name="domain1" appBase="[application base]" autoDeploy="[true/false]" unpackWARs="[true/false]"> <Alias>...</Alias> <Context path="" docBase="" reloadable="[true/false]"/> </Host> First lets have a look at ' Alias ' tag. This tag is used to provide aliases for your actual domain. For example you have a domain called '', and you want to run the same application for '
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