To sign a JAR file you need a ‘keystore” first. You can create a sample keystore using the following simple command.
keytool -genkey -keystore <> -alias <aliasname>After creating the keystore, you can add the following Ant tag to sign the JAR file using it.
<signjar jar="<JAR file to be signed>" alias="<Keystore Alias Name>" keystore="<>" storepass="<Keystore password>"/>Attributes used are
- jar – The JAR file path which needs to be signed.
- alias – Keystore alias name, given in the ‘keytool’ command to create the keystore.
- keystore – Path to the keystore file, which was created using the ‘keytool’ command.
- storepass – Keystore password used while creating the keystore using ‘keytool’ command.
help me
I have made my own I want to sign my app?
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